Monday, May 9, 2011

Comparing Car Insurance Quotes on your Own!

Nowadays almost everyone drives a car and in almost every country a car insurance is required by state law! How can we figure out that we have the cheapes car insurance quote? In a lot of  cases we are paying a much higher car insurance quote than we could pay. We can safe an enormous amount of money by comparing our car insurance quotes with other car insurance quotes from other car insurance companies. All of us can compare car insurance quotes from several car insurance companies without an enormous effort.

The best and easiest way to compare car insurances and to get the cheapest car insurance quote is to use the Internet. Before starting to compare car insurance quotes or car insurance companies you should get the most importan informations about your car like: the make, model and year of your car, any lien information and the VIN (vehicle identification number), etc.

You shouldn't only use one webpage to compare car insurance quotes, probably they don't  show up every cheap car insurance company. Take your time visit different pages, because always keep in mind that it's your money! Another thing i should mention is that you should always keep an eye on your regional car insurance companies. They are most likely to be the cheapest ones for you.

Good luck with comparing car insurance quotes or car insurance companies!


  1. I've done a lot of comparing of car insurance companies and checking of quotes. I feel like I've got the best. :)

  2. I hate paying for auto insurance... feels like the biggest waste of money every month.

  3. Nice post. Before I didn't care so much about Car Insurance. Now I'm gonna change it.

  4. thanks for sharing! will keep that in mind next month when i will have to do the insurence for my car "again".

  5. Off topic - love the new greenish look.

    As you know, from my blog, I do like green

  6. I always seem to go with some really obscure company who I can tell will only be in business a few years. Keeps me driving safer!

  7. Some good advice you've got for us. And in this day and age, I guess why not start on the internet. hehe

  8. I would but I've already got the best insurance I can get.

  9. The subliminal messaging on your blog to get me to want a cup of coffee and sit down and read worked.

  10. everyone looks that happy when they are on the internet

  11. Good that I don't have the stress. Currently not usin a car on my own. Still driving my parents one ;)
    btw kinda jeleaous of your Hammerfall concert. Anyway have fun!

  12. Great post, i think im gonna following your blog !

  13. Great post, too bad i dont have car yet :)

  14. Soon... soon I will have my own car, and all of the costs that come with it, *sigh*

  15. Nice tips, I'm currently looking for cheaper car insurance and this really helped me!

  16. This really helped me, thankyou :)

  17. Glad I don't have the burden/freedom of having a car yet. It's too expensive to get one if you don't really need it, I can go by bus/train to work for now.

  18. I tried to get online insurance but it ended up having all kinds of hidden costs..

  19. regional car insurance companies are usually the cheapest.

    got it.

  20. look at car insurance companies for car insurance quotes like car insurance companies on car insurance websites for car insurance quotes for my car insurance.

  21. I don't have a car yet, but I'll save this blog for when I do get one. Thanks!

  22. Wow great. i need an insurance

  23. soon i have my wn car, thnxs for the info (:

  24. So hard for me to get cheap car insurance (im 18)

  25. And this is why I stay away from personal transportation. Public transportation ftw.

  26. Economy is terrible right now.. ):

  27. I have to get specialist insurance for the car I have because I am under 25. It really sucks.

  28. amazing blog thx for sharing.. following!

  29. Great post, this is proving to be quite helpful!

  30. Here in my country, car insurances are the most expensive part in the costs for a car.

  31. I always heard that insurance compare websites cost you a little more, I suppose the money for the middle man has to come from somewhere?

  32. Thanks for the great tip, looking forward to your next article

  33. When I was a younger before I didnt realize the importance of a Car insurance until my father told me that, having a car insurance is like saving your car.

  34. Great post. I'll keep it in mind

  35. pretty much got Geico and need to research other alternatives for now, thanks for info

  36. Market research is so importand, in every aspect and market.

  37. Geico seems to be cheaper in the bulk of the U.S., pv. It's still better to do a comparison as described by the OP, though.

  38. I crashed my moped today, It reminded me about your blog, and how lucky I was I did pay for an insurance

  39. I'm thinking of getting a motorcycle just to save on exorbitant car insurance!
